
出版 地盤工学会誌 Vol.65 No.1 No.708
ページ 発行 2017/01/01 文書ID jk201707080005
内容 表示
  • タイトル
  • 著者
  • 出版
  • 地盤工学会誌 Vol.65 No.1 No.708
  • ページ
  • 発行
  • 2017/01/01
  • 文書ID
  • jk201707080005
  • 内容
  • Theme: Seeing, Watching and Examining the Ground ―The latest trend of the geophysical exploration technology―Exploration Geophysics: the Past, the Present, and the Future …………………………………………………………… 3● Toshifumi MatsuokaNear Surface Geophysics for the Detailed Imaging and Characterization of the Ground ………………………………… 4● Tomio InazakiSurface Displacement Monitoring Using Interferometric SAR Analysis and Visualization of Underground ………… 8● Kazuya IshitsukaThe Newest Trend of Airborne Geophysics ……………………………………………………………………………………12● Youichi YuukiSeismic Survey by Seismic Interferometry ……………………………………………………………………………………16● Takao Aizawa and Seiichiro KurodaGeophysical Monitoring of Water Inˆltration Process in the Vadose Zone ………………………………………………20● Hiroshi Kisanuki, Tomio Inazaki and Sugio ImamuraLevee Investigation Using Integrated Geophysical Method …………………………………………………………………24● Koichi HayashiEvaluation of Soil Moisture Content Distribution and Dynamics by Array Ground Penetrating radar …………………28● Hirotaka Saito, Seiichiro Kuroda, Nobuhito Nagai and Jacopo SalaVisualization Technique using Cosmic Ray Muons ……………………………………………………………………………32● Keiichi SuzukiMicrotremor Measurement with High Dense Spatial Location in a Same Grid Square, Miyoshi City centre,Tokushima Prefecture, Japan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………34● Yutaro Okawa, Yoshiya Hata, Atsushi Mikami, Fumihiro Minato, Masaki Yamauchi and Kenichi TokidaOverview and a Case Study of the Exploration Ahead of Tunnel Face ……………………………………………………38● Takuro Nishi and Naruki Wakabayashi
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